Coaching for Purpose

It’s easy to become captured with the popular idea that purpose is something that is to be sought or found. However, I have found in my coaching work with clients, that purpose is actually made and grown. Purpose is made as we invest in something and feel connected to it. It is grown as we consolidate our investment with more time, more energy and more belief.

I trust it is uncontroversial to suggest that individuals connected to a sense of purpose live happier, healthier and fulfilled lives. A 2016 meta-analysis of a dozen studies on life purpose found that there is a strong correlation between having a high sense of purpose in life and a reduced risk for all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events. There is also increasing evidence to suggest that ‘purpose led organisations’ (PLOs) also enjoy success across many domains. As an example, a 2013 study has shown that employees of PLOs are 1.4 times more engaged, 1.7 times more satisfied and 3 times more loyal to their companies. Another study from the same year, discovered that 89% of clients/customers believe a PLO will deliver the highest quality goods and services.

Something truly magical happens when a coachee gets to touch an inner pearl of wisdom, that when integrated, has the power to support them to optimise their performance and connect to their purpose. Getting to witness the moment of insight, and often the journey of integration that follows, is an enriching privilege for those of us that coach, whether that is as professional coach or as a leader in the workplace.


What is Therapeutic Coaching?


Coaching and Maslow’s Hierarchy